Installment 5


“And the Lord God said, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden, but you must NOT eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for WHEN you eat of it you will surely die. Genesis 2:16-17 (NIV) – God’s warning to Adam not to seek understanding of those things only God should know.

6When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.  She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.  7Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.”


“In the Humanist ethics the chief end of thought and action is to further…earthly human interests on behalf of the greater glory of people.  The watchword of Humanism is happiness for all humanity in this existence as contrasted with salvation for the individual soul in a future existence and the glorification of a supernatural Supreme Being.  It heartily welcomes all life-enhancing pleasures, from the vigorous enjoyments of youth to the contemplative delights of mellowed age, from the simple gratifications of food and drink, sunshine and sports, to the more complex appreciation of art and literature, friendship and social communion.”  -Philosopher and Humanist advocate Corliss Lamont, from his book, The Philosophy of Humanism (1997).

“Stated quite simply, Humanism, being the glorification of man over the glorification of God, by definition, is the Devil’s religion.” – Brian Horanoff


The first 5 parts of this series called “God in Government” have introduced foundational principles and understanding of both the Christian faith and the historical pulse of the people who determined to form this nation called “America.”

In Installment 1 of this series, entitled, “Does God Belong in Government,” we cited Biblical truth that God ordained nations and established foundational principles and structure of civil government.  We also revisited some Holy Scripture that commands us, as Christians, to walk out our faith in everyday life.

Installment 2, entitled, “What is This Government Jesus Ushered In?  EKKLESIA,” reclaimed Jesus’s true definition of the word, “church,” to mean His body of believers (Christians) carrying out His Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) in all facets of everyday life.

Installment 3 – Part 1, entitled, “Who Determines “Religion?” and What “Religion” Does Jesus Represent,” we defined the word, “religion,” and exposed and examined some of the world religions.  We uncovered the blunt truth that a religion is actually any “cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor or faith.”   This definition is seen to illuminate the fact that countless religions exist in this country and in the world that may not be recognized as such, but they truly are by definition.  Causes such as “BLM,” LGTBQAI+, Wokeism, Humanism can now be taken on in equal terms as Christianity.  Christians now can debate a Humanist or an Atheist on the basis of religion, instead of only Christians being the “religious” one.  Those who ardently advance these and other non-divine Creator causes are still to be considered congregational members of their own religion.

Installment 3, Part 2, entitled, “Founders Keepers! – Keeping the Religion of America’s Founding,” disarmed the argument of who the founders of this country were, and what religious lifestyles they embraced and lived as a matter of principle.

The most recent installment entitled, “The Truth About “Separation of Church and State,” totally destroyed the blatantly false notion that the Constitution requires Christianity to be separated from civics.  Quite the contrary.  After examining a communication between Thomas Jefferson and the Danbury Baptist Association, as well as several of Jefferson’s other writings, we drew out clear evidence that Thomas Jefferson believed and expected the CHRISTIAN FAITH to be practiced and displayed in civics and government.  Funny, he never once mentioned Humanism or Atheism as the preferred religion.

So far, throughout this journey, we examined many of the founders’ writings and have seen, with no small amount of surprise, that they desired a country in which men could freely practice their religious beliefs without government or civil interference.  In fact, Article I of the Constitution guarantees the government is obligated to protect that right as “inalienable.”

For refreshment on these foundational teachings, perhaps this would be a good time to re-visit the previous 5 installments before reading on.  Because, from here on in, we are going to tackle the woke, Humanist agenda that has taken over this country, and most of the global governments as they aggressively strive for their One-World Elite Socialist Government…an agenda well on its way to becoming functionally operational.

In this installment, we will answer two questions about the evil principles defining this one-world government: 1) What is Humanism, and 2) Where did Humanism originate?

The answers to these questions will be disturbing to many who read this so I caution the reader: don’t take my word for it, do your own work.  It is easy and, frankly, lazy, to take my word for it, but doing that very thing for so long is the very thing which has caused us to fall asleep and develop scales over our eyes and cement in our blood streams.  Truth is designed to remove scales and disintegrate cement.  It is thrilling to discover truth and it is mildly addicting too!

Though it is shocking and painful to learn that there are some bent on destroying this Constitutional Republic form of self-government, we have seen that preserving it for future generations requires thoughtful searching, diligent study, and contextual understanding of biblical principles to clarify the motives and accomplishments of the Founders.  These same principles must be used as offensive weapons in today’s battle with the enemies of our country…enemies from without as well as enemies from within.

what is humanism – Search (    or   what is humanism – Google Search   or what is humanism at DuckDuckGo

Please notice that Bing and Google are giving nearly the same result at the top.  (Editor’s notation and convenience added to do your own research)



The simplest way to define something is to consult a dictionary.  Preferably, the older the dictionary, the more true to the original intent of the meaning of the word is.  The oldest English language dictionary I have is entitled, “American Dictionary of the English Language,” compiled by Noah Webster and published in 1828.  The word “humanism” does not appear in this publication, but the word “humanist” does.  Let’s start there.

Webster (1828) defines “humanist” as, 1) A professor of grammar and rhetoric; a philologist; a term first used in the universities of Scotland, and, 2) One versed in the knowledge of human nature.  Webster defines “philologist” as one versed in the history and construction of language.  Webster defines “rhetoric” as the art of speaking with propriety, elegance and force, OR the power of persuasion or attraction; that which allures or charms.  A modern-day rendering of Webster’s definition of “humanist,” then, may sound like this; “A professor versed in the history and construction of language that possesses the ability to speak with propriety, elegance, and force, to persuade or attract, allure and charm.” 

The 1828 definition of “humanist,” therefore, refers to some person who has the gift of persuasion with his words or actions, whose intention is to persuade others to embrace some particular idea.  This would be similar to listening to a Pastor, say, Billy Graham, who possess the oratorical skills to persuade someone to give their life to Christ.

In today’s secular, non-Biblical, confusing world, this may conjure up an image of someone like Barak Obama hypnotizing millions upon millions of potential voters with the substance-less “Hope and Change” speech of his 2008 Presidential campaign.

In this current geopolitical environment, we are bombarded with “convincing science” by those who control the narrative of Climate Change, Inclusion, Love, Acceptance, Gender ID, and many more religious doctrines that oppose Creator God.  More and more, this narrative is controlled by what we call “elitist” or those in the ruling elite.  In America, they are sometimes referred to as “Coastal Elites.”  Coastal Elites who hold power and wealth on both the East and West Coast of this country seem bent on controlling the rest of the country by striving for democracy, then socialism.  Pushing the mandate of “popular vote” is evidence of this and it is frighteningly close to becoming a reality if we don’t wake up and act.

These are those folks who believe that, by virtue of their bloodlines and education, they are suited to rule over the “less cultured” class or the “working class.”  They are rapidly installing themselves as self-appointed rulers over American citizens by virtue of gaining majority power in the political, educational, economic, media, entertainment, and religious (YES CHURCH) institutions in this country.  These folks are bent on telling us what is good for us and mandating laws to force compliance to their religious doctrine.  They are even bent on dismantling our family structure that is ordained by God.

I also have a copy of “Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary,” published by Merriam-Webster, Inc., 1985.   The word “humanism” does appear in this publication.  Merriam-Webster (1985) defines “humanism: thusly:

“Humanism” 1.a: a devotion to the humanities: literary culture, b: the revival of classical letters, individualistic and critical spirit, and emphasis on secular concerns characteristic of the Renaissance 2: HUMANITARIANISM  3: a doctrine, attitude, or way of life centered on human interests or values; esp : a philosophy that usually REJECTS supernaturalism and stresses an individual’s dignity and worth and capacity for self-realization through reason.

The Webster (1828) definition seems fairly innocuous.  You and I would simply view a Humanist as some dude (or dudette) who is a gifted orator and has the ability to use language to attract, allure, and persuade someone of his viewpoint.  You might picture a snake-oil salesman of the Old West, or a carnival “pitch man” trying to lure you into the Bearded Lady tent.  He has a way with words that attracts you to something mysterious or out of the ordinary…something you don’t quite rationally believe.  Or, perhaps, you might picture a great orator preaching a moving sermon from the pulpit.  His words seem well chosen and effortless to deliver, yet their power and persuasion can move you to great emotional uprising.

The Merriam-Webster (1985) definition refines the definition quite a bit.  It specifies an intentional direction for those who are Humanists.  Definition 1 begins by totally diverging from the idea of a humanist as simply a teacher with abilities to move people with his words and charm.  It separates humanists out as those who are devoted to literary culture (the writings of others) and the study of others in society, with particular emphasis on secular concerns characteristic of the Renaissance.

Complete understanding of the European Renaissance period (1250 A.D. – 1550 A.D.), and American Renaissance (1820 A.D. -1920 A.D.) requires a separate study.  For the purpose of this writing, it is enough to understand a few basic characteristics of the Renaissance to see how it pertains to our discussion.  In general, Renaissance meant:1

  • Knowledge through education using science and philosophy was the way to understand the universe and man’s humanness.
  • Pursuit of happiness and self-realization and self-potential became key
  • The return to Greek philosophy, mythology, poetry, and literature (classical literature) replaced the desire for religion to understand humans
  • Supernatural Creation and a reliance on the Divine was diminished or eliminated
  • Materialism and accumulation of goods is the measure of success
  • Since there is no belief in after-life, emphasis is on enjoying life today
  • Mankind must treat each other and the animals with kindness, love, and acceptance
  • While Humanists “accept” religion, they do not believe their own doctrine is a religion.

It is important to note here that even now Humanists are not unified, and regional and philosophical chasms separate different groups: much like the Christian faith. However, they are unified on the elimination of supernatural Creation and the elimination of God’s promised eternal life.  This should cause alarm to you if you are a “true” Christian.

Definition 3 of the Merriam-Webster (1985) dictionary plainly points out that Humanism is a “…doctrine, attitude, or way of life…” which centers on human interests.  This definition is simply another way of stating it is a set of principles, beliefs, and causes…which makes Humanism a religion.  Note the definition also states that Humanism rejects supernaturalism.  This leaves no room for a Creator God who is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.  Yet we constantly hear Humanists purport to accept others who may believe in God.  They do not.


Wikipedia published a description of Humanism which tracks nearly identically with the characteristics of the numerous historical Renaissances.2  Woven deep into the fabric of Humanism is the need for man to replace supernatural Creator God with knowledge and understanding.  Instead of acknowledging a Creator God, Humanists believe that those who are educated are the most fit to “oversee” those who are not.  They believe they possess “god-like” ability and intelligence to govern and lead others.  Where these abilities come from is a mystery and appears to be in their own minds, but education, political power and wealth are three of the common threads to all “pagan” type religions.

The KEYNOTE QUOTE from Corliss Lamont (above INTRODUCTION) summarizes the Humanist view of Humanism quite simply.  The glaring attributes of Humanism in contrast to the Moral absolutes of God prescribed by Christianity are:

  • Humanists glorify people – Christians glorify their Creator, God.
  • Humanists strive for happiness – Christians strive for eternal salvation.
  • Humanists live for the moment – Christians live for the good of the Church and the return of Jesus.
  • Humanists worship many gods – Christians acknowledge only one, true, Creator God.
  • Humanist “gods” don’t care about you – Christians have a personal relationship with their Creator Jehovah.

 To a Christian, especially one living a weak Biblical worldview, these contradictory motives of these opposing religions will cause confusion, frustration, and exhaustion as they try to keep their religion separate from their everyday life.  This separation is EXACTLY what the devil wants from Christians.  He doesn’t want Christianity interfering with his Humanist religion that is at the seat of power in all institutions on earth.  If Christianity was represented in the “secular” world, Satan would be destroyed post haste!  As it is, Satan’s religion, Humanism, is in control.


Humanism ain’t new.  I know.  “Ain’t” ain’t a word, and you ain’t spos’d to use it!  But “nother” was never a word until enough people started saying “that’s a whole nother subject.”  All of the sudden, “nother” is showing up in the Merriam-Webster dictionary!  That ain’t fair!

Sorry, I got off on a tangent.  Humanism ain’t new…it’s a whole nother religion that has ancient roots.

Besides today, the world has lived through some ugly times where Humanists have been in power (Babylonian Empire, Greek Empire, Persian Empire, Roman Empire, for example).

Some will argue Humanism came with the Renaissance, some will say it came with the Romans, or the Babylonians, or even at the time of the Tower of Babel referenced in Genesis 11:1-4.  However, knowing just the little bit we now know about the definition of Humanism, it is obvious where Humanism began.  One needs look no further than the Christian Bible’s account of the Creation.

Genesis 2:16-17 contains God’s clear warning to Adam after He placed him into the Garden of Eden: the perfect, sinless world God created for mankind to dwell in.  “And the Lord God said, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden, but you must NOT eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for WHEN you eat of it you will surely die.”   By this statement, God intended Adam and all his descendants (including us) to simply tend Creation and enjoy the perfect lifestyle He had created by which man could glorify God and live eternally in His perfect Garden.

When God gave these simple instructions to Adam, there was no sin.  Animals were helpers to man…precious created beings also with eternal life.

There were two genders, male and female, and God unified them in marriage to work as one flesh with Him as their head.  He provided all they needed.

There was no death.  Adam and Eve’s job was to procreate and grow God’s perfect family amidst a sinless, deathless world in which God provided everything.

Then along came Genesis Chapter 3.  The devil, in the form of a serpent, is pushing his Humanist beliefs and lies on Eve.  Genesis 3:1 (KJV) says, “Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.”  The NIV translation uses the word, “crafty” instead of subtle.  Both words can describe someone who wishes to mislead or deceive.

The serpent continues in verse 1, and asks the woman (Eve), “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?’”  Right at this very moment, we see that the serpent changed God’s words in an effort to confuse Eve.  His ability to charm, coerce, allure, and persuade were put into play.

Verses 2-5 continue, “The woman said to the serpent, ‘We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will surely die.’  4”You will not surely die,” the serpent said to the woman.  5”For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened. And you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

The serpent went on to convince Eve that it was OK to be like God, in fact, he was laying groundwork to eventually convince God’s children they could be like God if they tried hard enough.  We see it happening today in front of our eyes!

Right here, the first human Humanist infiltrated God’s perfect Creation.  The moment Eve believed she could “see” as God saw, she traded perfection for corruption.  From there it was simply a matter of Eve propagating the lie to Adam, which eventually became woven into the DNA of all men as sin.  Anything that opposes or tries to be like God is sin.

Truth is, Humanists have been in power on this earth since the very moment Adam and Eve ushered in sin in the garden.  As I stated in the KEYNOTE QUOTE, “Stated quite simply, Humanism, being the glorification of man over the glorification of God, by definition, is the Devil’s religion.”


Wikipedia offers a substantially long list of the types or “denominations” of Humanism as:2

  • Christian Humanism: a historical current in the late Middle Ages in which Christian scholars combined Christian faith with interest in classical antiquity and a focus on human well-being.
  • Ethical Humanism: a synonym of Ethical culture, was prominent in the US in the early 20th century and focused on relations between humans.
  • Scientific Humanism: emphasizes belief in the scientific method as a component of humanism as described in the works of John Dewey and Julian Huxley; scientific humanism is largely synonymous with secular humanism.
  • Secular Humanism: coined in the mid-20th century, it was initially an attempt to denigrate humanism, but some humanist associations embraced the term. Secular humanism is synonymous with the contemporary humanist movement.
  • Marxist Humanism: one of several rival schools of Marxist thought that accepts basic humanistic tenets such as secularism and naturalism, but differs from other strands of humanism because of its vague stance on democracy and rejection of free will.
  • Digital Humanism: an emerging philosophical and ethical framework that seeks to preserve and promote human values, dignity, and well-being in the context of rapid technological advancements, particularly in the digital realm.
  • Transhumanism: a philosophical and intellectual movement (notice not “scientific”) advocating the enhancement of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies that can greatly enhance longevity and cognition.4

By showing the types of Humanism, declared by the Humanists themselves, my intention is to demonstrate this is no conspiracy theory.  Humanism is real, it’s growing (even among “Christians”), and it intends to replace the Divine Creator God with human knowledge and cultural morality.  You may have heard the term, “moral relativism” used in some philosophical and even some Christian circles.  When you hear that term, beware!  Moral relativism simply refers to a morality that constantly changes according to the whims of culture and those in charge.  It means there is no absolute truth or absolute morality.  It is anti-God which means it is not allowable for Christians to practice.

Humanism’s goal is to eradicate all other Abrahamic and divinity-based religions from the face of the earth, especially Christianity!


The sequential advancement of the types of humanism should scare even the weakest Christian!  Especially look at the veiled components of the definition of the last type; trans-humanism.

 The word, “trans-humanism,” is made up of two words; “trans,” meaning,” “to translate,” or “transcend,” and “humanism,” meaning, “humanity,” or the “human race.”  Transhumnists, because they acknowledge no divine Creator, aim to transcend or advance human life through the use of science and technology.  Their ultimate aim is to create a biometric human that is programmable and will never cease to be viable.  To be “viable” means they are useful and controllable but they have little no free-will.  Notice I did not say, “will never die.”  The moment a person acquiesces to this technology, they have died to free-will because they are not under their own control.  Free-will is given by God, the Creator; the one, true God.

Humanists push this agenda in the name of social justice and equal prosperity for all humans.  They believe they can conquer physical death by creating a trans-human who can still enjoy the world through their human senses, yet, via technology and science, they can be programmed to live longer but only to serve another’s purpose, not their own.  Humanists are already attempting to use DNA-altering MRNA vaccine and prescription drug platforms to alter and control human body systems.  This technology, coupled with the push to digitally control every aspect of our lives is leading to a world where those in power can control the actions of those who serve them.

In today’s world, we are living through gender alteration, cloning, DNA manipulation via vaccine platforms, and many other applications of what was meant to be “good science,” twisted for the advancement of a religion that wants to obliterate God.  There is nothing wrong with cloning stem cells to speed healing, or a heart or kidney transplant that saves or extends a human life.  These are not efforts attempting to play “god.”  To the Humanist, the science and the technology, and the power to wield it IS god.


It may be disturbing to those of you who are Christian, yet have not been “awakened” to the execution of Satan’s doctrine that has been in operation since the Fall of Man, and is playing out right in front of your eyes.  I understand.  I have only been “awake” for a handful of years myself.

But maybe we need to be disturbed a little to kick us into taking action.  Maybe finally seeing these things that we know are immoral, untrue, and illegal are just the thing we need to shock us into going on offense.  We must understand the darkness around us before we can fully appreciate how far we have come from living in the light.

Good news awaits just around the corner when we respond to the light.  A society and a nation can be transformed when national repentance is inspired by God’s calling.

The book of 2 Kings, Chapters 22 and 23 tell the story of one of the kings of Israel, King Josiah, who reigned in Jerusalem beginning in the year 640 B.C.  King Josiah came to the throne at the age of 8 during a dark period for the Israelites.

Almost by accident, at the age of 22, he sent his secretary, Shaphan, to tend to some matters at the Temple.  The High Priest Hilkiah discovered the Book of the Law in the Temple, and passed it on to Shaphan, who, in turn, took it to King Josiah.  Contemporary scholars are uncertain whether this was the entire Pentateuch (the first 5 books of the Bible we refer to as Genesis through Deuteronomy), or just the book of Deuteronomy.  This debate is inconsequential to the point of the actual historical event.

Whatever manuscript Shaphan read to King Josiah, 2 Kings 22: 11 records Josiah’s response: “When the king heard the words of the Book of the Law, he tore his robes.”  Tearing robes is a tradition among ancient Jews to signify mourning, grief, and loss.  King Josiah, after hearing God’s words from the Book of the Law, was convicted to the point he understood how far his people had strayed from God’s commands.  He understood this distance between God’s will and the Israelite’s behavior was the reason God had removed favor from the nation of Israel and divided them for their enemies to easily overcome them.

The rest of the historical record tells us that King Josiah took action to step back into God’s presence and favor, and lead his people to the truth.  What did King Josiah do to lead his nation back to God’s favor?  The steps below illustrate the action plan he took:

  • He consulted the prophetess Huldah for wisdom (2 Kings 22:15-20).
  • He gathered the nation’s leaders and he read the Book of the Law to them (2 Kings 23:1-2).
  • He publically renewed the covenant (to follow the Lord’s commands) in the presence of the Lord (2 Kings 23:3).
  • All the people pledge themselves to the covenant (2 Kings 23:3).
  • He ordered the High Priest to strip the Temple of all the pagan artifacts and idols, and had them burned outside the city gates (2 Kings 23:4).
  • He “did away” with the pagan (un-Godly) priests appointed by former kings; those who burned incense to Baal, the sun, the moon, and the constellations (akin to today’s New Age worship of the horoscopes) (2 Kings 23:5-6).
  • He tore down the quarters of the male shrine prostitutes located at the Temple (2 Kings 23:7) NOTE: Baal worship required first, getting “drunk on wine” (Ephesians 5:1), then having sexual intercourse with a prostitute prior to worship.  This was designed to elevate one to a state of worshipfulness so they could be in the presence of Baal’s statue.
  • King Josiah took many more aggressive steps to eradicate the evil places of worship in Jerusalem as recorded in 2 Kings 23:10-19, including, slaughtering “…all the priests of those high places on the altars and burned human bones on them.” (verse 20). In other words, Josiah defiled the evil places by burning those who made the sacrifices to Baal on the very altars to Baal.  Think of it like a modern-day Christian pastor being slaughtered and burned on the altar at his church.
  • Josiah then calls for a national return to celebrating the Passover (2 Kings 23:21). This is akin to our President of the United States proclaiming a national day of fasting and prayer to call us closer to God and call us to repentance.

The action steps taken by King Josiah brought the nation to a re-awakening to God’s covenant with Israel, which eventually led to national repentance.  In return for Josiah’s return to the Lord, God spared Josiah from witnessing God’s judgment on Jerusalem through Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzer.


How does this historical record in the Bible point to “Good News” for us?  The answer to this question, as are the answers to all questions pertaining to humanity, are found in the Biblical principles God gives us to apply throughout all time.

God wants us to worship and obey only His commands.  When we attain to that (we are not perfect so we make mistakes, but He knows our heart), He blesses us and reveals more truth to us.

The lesson of Josiah’s actions in 2 Kings 22 and 23, show us a model of a nation’s leaders returning to Godly leadership, and the eventual national repentance by the people of that nation.  This eventually leads to blessings and peace for the people who now rest on the assurances and promises of God, instead of the confusing chaos given by Satan.

Jesus’s first recorded publically preached words after returning from His testing in the desert are given to us in Matthew 4:17, “…Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.”  Jesus taught us that repentance is the first, most important step toward receiving the blessings of the promised kingdom of heaven.  This is the core of the Gospel Jesus brought to lost, confused, hurting people.

This is the same Jesus the founders of America believed in, worshipped, and took with them into their everyday lives.  The message of repentance is timeless and necessary for us to receive the blessings God wants to give to us…if only we will receive.

But you might say, “Our leaders don’t want to change, so how can we expect national repentance?”  Good question.

Leaders must either be changed by their heart change (through evangelism and conversion), or, as Josiah showed, they can be removed by the election, censure-removal, impeachment, or term-limit process.  I don’t advocate slaughtering and burning our evil leaders on their desks in the House chambers!

It took King Josiah approximately 13 years to accomplish this nation-change recorded in 2 Kings 22-23.  We must expect a similar time-frame.  Heart change requires time and intention and when Satan sees there is intention, he immediately attacks.

The Bible doesn’t record it, but undoubtedly King Josiah encountered opposition to the changes he proclaimed.  The key is that he remained committed to a return to God.  The founders of America waged a similar battle that lasted from 1776 to 1814, some 34 years before the British left the continent for good.

This is the good news.  There is a path and each of us must individually, then collectively choose to intentionally walk it for the duration of the fight to eventual victory.  As Patrick Henry said in his 1775 speech to the Second Virginia Convention, “Give me liberty, or give me death!”

The gospel Jesus brought promises freedom, or liberty from the bondage of the law of men.  When we place ourselves in captivity by following Satan’s confusing, chaotic, hell-bent doctrine, we separate ourselves from God and begin to worship ourselves and man’s rule. However, when we repent and incline our hearts and ears to God’s wisdom and understanding, we free ourselves from trying to decide what’s right and wrong.  God leads us personally.

Each of us chooses those principles we will suffer and die for.  Those things make up our legacy and they are recorded in Heaven in the “…book of life.  The dead were judged according to what they had done as recoded in these books.” (Revelation 20:12).  As long as we have free-will, and follow God’s leading, we get to choose the words God will read from the pages of our heavenly book.

This is good news because our Creator God gives us the path to heaven we get to choose.  No other god or idol gives that offer.

Take that path.


Now that we have scratched the surface to understand the definition of the religion of Humanism, and have seen how long it has been around, we are ready to uncover its ugly presence in all facets of our personal lives, our families, our communities, our culture, and throughout the globe.

Installment 6 will explore the plan of the Humanist religious zealots.  We will explore how the founders of America, using God’s principles through Christianity, devised an almost-perfect blueprint of self-government that we can re-discover (much like Josiah rediscovered the Book of the Law) the Godly way to govern a nation of free people.


As always, the opinions, observations, and musings in these essays are those of the author, just a normal, everyday guy, and are not intended to represent the entity that hosts them.  I would be lying, however, if I did not say I hope they DO share these opinions.

The scripture referenced within, however, is not up for debate as to its truthfulness.  It is absolute truth whether one believes it or not.

If you would like further information about God’s word, or the teachings of Christ Jesus as they apply to our present day, please contact me via the email provided on this website, placing the words, “God in Government” in the subject line.


-Brian Horanoff-

Precinct Delegate, Fremont Township, Isabella County, Michigan

Copyright 21 October, 2023

Brian Hornanoff

Brian Hornanoff

Contact Brian about God in Government



  1. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Renaissance, latest revision 1 October, 2023
  2. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Humanism, latest revision, 5 October, 2023
  3. The National Geographic, Resource Article, The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Rome, author and date unknown.
  4. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Transhumanism,
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