Hello Everyone,

Our next meeting is on Thursday 6/22/23 at 6pm at Maranatha Baptist Church.  This is your official notice of the meeting date and time.  I will be sending another e-mail next Monday that will have the agenda, minutes, and treasurer report attached.  If you have any questions or would like to have something added to the agenda please let me know before Monday 6/19.  We have a set agenda that we follow to cover the basics of national, state, county, city or township news.  We also cover all of our committee reports, old and new business.  In order to keep the meeting to a reasonable time frame we must limit the time spent on each topic.  I understand that there should be no limit on free speech HOWEVER we all have busy lives and it is a courtesy to everyone to keep your reports brief and to the point.  Therefore, in order to keep it fair, each report is limited to 3-5 minutes and we will time you.   You will be alerted at the 3 minute mark and at the 4:30 mark you will need to wrap it up.  If further discussion is warranted it will be addressed AFTER the meeting has been adjourned.  This allows those that need to leave for other commitments to hear the main points and those that want to discuss further the time they need for questions.  If this is not acceptable to the majority we can discuss and come to an agreement on how to handle the time limits.

I urge each of you to read the agenda, minutes, and treasurer’s report BEFORE the meeting and print off your own copy or bring it up on your phone during the meeting.  This way we are all on the same page and you can help me stay on track.

One last thing – I’m challenging everyone (and that includes me) to bring one new person (or someone that hasn’t attended in a long time) to our next meeting.  In order to expand our influence in the community we must be willing to ask people to join us at our meetings.  Your goal is not to convince them to join the party, donate money, or volunteer for anything.  Your goal is to EXPOSE them to our group and who we are and what we are doing.  You will be surprised at how many people are not even aware that a Republican party exists in Isabella County.

God Bless You!

Dawn Betha

Chair, ICRC

Categories: GOP News