This information is being passed on to help you, our county Republicans to be informed.  Posting does not mean we either agree or disagree, we are merely passing information.

Dear Precinct Delegates.

In light of the recent bias being shown by RNC leadership towards me, I sent the following letter to 168 members of the RNC Committee:

Good Morning RNC Members,

I want to bring something troubling happening within our party to your attention.  The RNC leadership has unilaterally decided not to recognize me as MIGOP chair, against the will of the Michigan Republican Party State Central Committee.

To make matters worse, RNC leadership is colluding with members of a faction of just 37% of the state committee, individuals of Michigan’s consultant class,  and Ambassador Pete Hoekstra to unlawfully remove me as chair and install him in my place.

This not only violates the will of the majority of the Michigan Republican Party State Central Committee but undermines the will of Michigan Republican Party precinct delegates who elected me.

The RNC leadership is unilaterally deciding to take the word of the former co-chair, ignoring the Michigan Republican Party secretary (who, per our bylaws, is the official record keeper) and general counsel whom the committee elected. Our General Counsel has attested that the January 6th gathering is illegitimate. Even if the meeting was legitimate, which it was not, they violated the multiple MIGOP bylaws, including by not limited to not making a quorum based on our bylaws requirement for votes of that kind; they didn’t have the 54 signatures to take the matter up for a vote. Also, the 54 signatures they submitted were sent roughly an hour after their gathering started. If 54 signatures are submitted, our secretary needs to validate them; THEN, a meeting is called so members can be notified appropriately. None of which occurred.

Chairwoman McDaniel and RNC General Counsel have ignored all of the evidence in favor of their bias against me and a desire to install Pete Hoekstra.

Our Michigan Republican Party policy committee prepared a report (attached for your convenience). It was sent to RNC legal and Chairwoman McDaniel; it was ignored in favor of claims of some unknown individuals the RNC leadership has been colluding with.

Additionally, on January 13th, most of our members drove in a blizzard for a special state committee meeting, voted to accept the policy committee’s report and findings regarding the illegitimate gathering, and reaffirmed me as chair.

Chairwoman McDaniel and RNC legal told me they stay out of these matters and that it is up to the state to send their chair. However, their actions contradict what they told me, our Executive Director, and MIGOP General Counsel. Ambassador Hoekstra was on a radio show last week bragging that he expected the RNC to weigh in a day or two.  And that is precisely what happened. The party’s elected MIGOP secretary and general counsel are the party officers with the authority to inform the RNC of these changes, not the co-chair, Pete Hoekstra, or anyone else.

Our state central committee, whose right and duty it is to settle this controversy, has done so and is ready to focus on the 2024 election.

As a state chair, I receive communication regarding leadership changes from the county and district parties, but it always comes from the party secretary, the legal record keeper.

The RNC counsel has also stated they will have “a body of RNC members” review this matter to make a recommendation. This is beyond unacceptable, considering the already discriminatory actions by the RNC leadership and apparent collusion with the faction trying to bully me out of the chair position.  If there is any dispute of this nature, the entire 168 should hear the matter.

I’m requesting that all 168 RNC members demand full transparency regarding the Michigan chair dispute and the RNC’s involvement. This impacts all of us. If the will of the Michigan precinct delegates and state central committee can be unilaterally usurped by the RNC leadership, understand that your state could be next.

In Liberty,

Kristina Karamo
Michigan Republican Party

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