This information is being passed on to help you, our county Republicans to be informed.  
Posting does not mean we either agree or disagree, we are merely passing information.

Dear Fellow Republicans,

The “political lynching” of Kristina Karamo has been orchestrated by the same elitist individuals who maintain the corrupt status-quo caste system within the Michigan Republican Party.  By eliminating Chairwoman Karamo, they can uproot the grassroots foundation to recapture MIGOP and use it for their elitist endeavors.  Just consider the words of Maggie Kurtzwell, “Thank heavens that this matter did not go back to the delegates; they are the ones who got us in this mess.”  We reference Maggie’s comment because she is a current MIGOP State Committee member who is closely affiliated with… Malinda Pego!

Yes, the same Malinda Pego who is part of the faction of “rogue Republicans” that led the illegal and unethical January 6th gathering to try and eliminate Chairwoman Karamo.  Thank God they were unsuccessful!  This is the same Malinda Pego who was legally removed as Co-Chair of the Michigan Republican Party for partaking in actions that violate MIGOP bylaws regarding Conflicts of Interest.

Just recently, a lawsuit that many would categorize as malicious was filed against Chairwoman Karamo by the following individuals:

  • Malinda Pego
  • Ali Hossein
  • Hassan Nehme
  • Ann DeLisle
  • Jessica Barfield
  • Norm Schinkle
  • Warren Carpenter

As one can see, Malinda has escalated her efforts. She is now a member of the “political lynch mob” that is using democrat lawfare tactics to carry out the “political lynching” of Chairwoman Kristina Karamo.  The elitist law firm used by these individuals is Warner Norcross & Judd, LLP.  It’s not a coincidence that this law firm has previously gone after grassroots individuals.

The Michigan Republican Party stands with Chairwoman Karamo.  The following link provides access to a copy of the lawsuit and the answer provided by MIGOP General Counsel Dan Hartman:

We can no longer sit back and allow the actions taken by the “rogue Republicans” to go without consequence.  This fight is about the soul of the Michigan Republican Party.  Chairwoman Karamo understands that change is difficult and has put together an administration designed to endure the trials and tribulations of transformation.  The bottom line is that MIGOP will no longer be held captive by certain elitist individuals and their corrupt status-quo caste system.

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In Liberty,

Communications Team
Michigan Republican Party